
If you’ve been arrested for operating a vehicle while intoxicated—formally abbreviated as OVWI, but commonly known as DUI—you probably have a few questions about what happens next.  

Attorney Marc Lopez answers these kinds of questions every day. In fact, he’s been practicing DUI / OVWI law for so long that he finds himself answering the same questions every day.

Here are a few of Attorney Marc Lopez’s most frequently asked questions:

What happens to my driver’s license?

If you blew into a certified breath test machine, and you came back .08 or more, your license will likely be suspended at the time of your initial hearing. This is a BMV suspension, and it usually lasts for 180 days.

If you made the mistake of refusing whatever chemical test was offered to you, your license will likewise be suspended at your initial hearing. This is also a BMV suspension, but a refusal suspension lasts for a minimum of one year.

Because these suspensions are not handed down by a judge, the State is able to pretend that they’re not criminal penalties. Instead, we call them administrative suspensions, and the State is allowed to carry on acting as if it’s not punishing people before they’ve been convicted. In reality, the innocent until proven guilty standard does not apply to DUI charges.

You may be facing an additional suspension if you’re ultimately convicted, and the State is just fine with this.

Attorney Marc Lopez understands that your driver’s license is important. If you want to discuss the details of your case, please call the Marc Lopez Law Firm at 317-632-3642, or send us an email.

I need to drive to workwhat can I do?

You may be eligible for Specialized Driving Privileges, which allow you to travel to-and-from your place of employment and other limited necessities. Unfortunately, no one has a right to Specialized Driving Privileges, and not all Indiana judges are inclined to grant them while a criminal case is pending. Some judges won’t grant them at all.

If you have further questions about the possibility of Specialized Driving Privileges—formerly known as a hardship license—please call the Marc Lopez Law Firm at 317-632-3642, or send us an email.

What sets the Marc Lopez Law Firm apart?

As a former DUI / OVWI deputy prosecutor with the Marion County DUI / OVWI Unit, Attorney Marc Lopez brings a great deal of experience to the table—he was one of five deputy prosecutors handling all DUI / OVWI cases in Indianapolis. 

In addition to his experience as a former DUI / OVWI deputy prosecutor, Attorney Marc Lopez has spent hundreds of hours attending advanced DUI / OVWI education courses taught by recognized leaders in the field. These seminars have covered everything from effective DUI / OVWI trial techniques to the science behind field sobriety tests to strategies for challenging the admission of blood draw results.

Attorney Marc Lopez also hand-picks his associate attorneys, each of whom brings a unique set of skills to the table.

When you’re facing criminal charges, you need attorneys who knows what they’re doing.  You need the Marc Lopez Law Firm.  If you have further questions, call us at 317-632-3642, or send us an email.

How does the Marc Lopez Law Firm approach a case?

Every case begins with the questions: What can we do to get these criminal charges dropped?  This approach takes time and effort, and it requires many things that less committed attorneys wouldn’t make time for, like deposing the officers involved, interviewing civilian witnesses, and conducting suppression hearings.

The attorneys at the Marc Lopez Law Firm demand that the State prove its case beyond a reasonable doubt.  If they aren’t convinced the prosecution’s case is rock-solid, they aren’t shy about taking it to trial.

The Marc Lopez Law Firm represents individuals accused of DUI / OVWI in Indianapolis and the surrounding counties. Initial consultations are always free, so give us a call at 317-632-3642, and remember—always plead the 5th!

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