Following a DUI / OVWI case, most defendants are concerned about their driving privileges. If you were convicted, there are at least a couple of things that are probably going to happen with your driver’s license. 

First of all, the BMV is going to require you carry SR-22 coverage. Basically, this is proof of future insurance, and the BMV will make you keep an SR-22 certificate on file for a minimum of three years following a DUI/OVWI conviction. That’s a BMW administrative issue and the requirement is imposed automatically. 

You’re also going to have a license suspension to deal with. If you’re lucky—and if this is your first DUI/OVWI—you may have served your suspension already by the time you’re convicted. It’s entirely possible, however, that your driving privileges will be suspended from the date of conviction going forward. In that case, you’ll probably need an order for Specialized Driving Privileges

When you have an order for Specialized Driving Privileges, you’re only allowed to drive according to the conditions of that order. If you get caught driving in defiance of the order, it’s not only a violation of your community corrections conditions and your probation agreement—it’s also a new criminal charge. It means you could end up going to jail. 

Even if your license suspension is officially up according to the court, it’s still a good idea to keep an eye on your online driver record. This record is what police officers see when they’re patrolling the streets, so it’s helpful to know whether the BMV thinks your driving privileges are suspended or valid. 

Sometimes you’re just waiting on the BMV to process the paperwork from the court—it usually takes about two weeks—but other times there’s actually been some sort of breakdown in communication. If your license status doesn’t say what it’s supposed to, it’s best to be proactive about the situation. Don’t wait until you’re pulled over. 

If you have any questions about your driver’s license following a DUI / OVWI conviction, give us a call at 317-632-6342 and remember—always plead the 5th!

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The Marc Lopez Law Firm