
If you are charged with Operating a Vehicle While Intoxicated  (DUI / OVWI) it is absolutely essential that your attorney explore possible medical defenses to the charge.

Attorney Marc Lopez has had past clients charged with refusing the breathalyzer when in fact they could not blow due to medically diagnosed asthma.  In fact, one of these clients met with another attorney prior to meeting with Attorney Marc Lopez and was advised to “plead guilty as soon as possible” so that the attorney could try to get the state to “drop the refusal.”  This was horrible advice.  After two depositions and a suppression hearing, this client’s charges were dropped.

While some medical defenses such as diabetes and asthma are obvious red flags for knowledgeable DUI / OVWI attorneys, there are some other not so obvious medical issues which can possibly provide a defense to a DUI / OVWI charge.  These defenses include:  anemia, allergies, arthritis, bi-polar disorder, GERD, the common cold, fever, fibromyalgia, glaucoma, gout, hypoglycemia, obesity and shock.  And this list is by no means exhaustive.

When faced with a DUI / OVWI the attorney you choose is one of the most important choices in your life.  Don’t just hire anyone that claims to “handle DUIs.”  Demand that they seriously handle DUIs. Demand that they regularly take cases to trial. Demand that they provide a valuable service and not simply get you a guilty plea.

If you or a loved one has been charged with Operating a Vehicle While Intoxicated (DUI / OVWI) contact Attorney Marc Lopez today at (317) 489-9611 or contact him through e-mail.  Initial consultations are always free.

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