Almost every day of our lives, we rely on automobiles to get where we’re going. Whether it’s showing up to work or heading out for a night on the town with friends, motor vehicles are ubiquitous in modern life. This makes it all the more troubling when the BMV suspends your driving privileges. What does it mean when the BMV says your license can only be reinstated once you’ve shown proof of SR-22 insurance?
In Indiana, your driving privileges can be suspended for a number of different reasons, including:
In the wake of a suspension, one of the things the BMV can do is insist that you show proof of future financial responsibility. The way to do this is with an SR-22 filing, which demonstrates that you have a motor vehicle insurance policy that meets the State’s minimum standards, and this insurance policy cannot be cancelled without prior notice given to the Indiana BMV. The BMV will require you to keep the SR-22 coverage for either three or five years, depending on your driving history.
SR-22 insurance is commonly associated with people who’ve been charged with and convicted of DUI / OVWI, but that isn’t the only reason you might need it. The BMV might have other reasons for imposing the SR-22 requirement, such as failing to file proof of insurance or accumulating too many traffic infractions. If the BMV is giving you a hard time, or if you have questions about SR-22 coverage, give us a call at 317-632-3642, and remember—always plead the 5th!