
If you or someone you know is facing a charge for driving under the influence (DUI), it is important to understand that the repercussions can extend beyond legal consequences. A DUI charge can profoundly impact various aspects of your life, especially your employment. Whether you are a commercial truck driver, a sales professional, or simply needing to drive to and from work, the impact and potential repercussions of a DUI Charge in Indiana can be significant. In this blog post, we will delve into the implications a DUI can have on your career, particularly if you work in a field where driving is essential.

DUIs: The Basics

In the state of Indiana, the legal ramifications of operating a vehicle while intoxicated are outlined in Indiana Code § 9-30-5. While this chapter encompasses the various circumstances which pertain to operating a vehicle while intoxicated, the starting charge for a DUI is a Class C misdemeanor as outlined by Indiana Code § 9-30-5-1 which states,

(a) A person who operates a vehicle with an alcohol concentration equivalent to at least eight-hundredths (0.08) gram of alcohol but less than fifteen-hundredths (0.15) gram of alcohol per:

     (1) one hundred (100) milliliters of the person’s blood; or

     (2) two hundred ten (210) liters of the person’s breath;

commits a Class C misdemeanor.

If however, the alcohol concentration of the blood or breath test is equivalent to or greater than at least fifteen-hundredths (0.15) gram of alcohol, it is a Class A misdemeanor. 

DUI Charges and Employment

Beyond the ramifications that misdemeanor charges can bring on your personal life, such as facing jail time and fines, DUI charges can significantly impact your employment. If you are a professional driver, such as a CDL holder, a DUI charge can lead to a suspension of your CDL for a year or more. If you are facing your second or third DUI, it is possible to lose your CDL for life.

Additionally, in Indiana, if a person operates a vehicle with a schedule I or II controlled substance or its metabolite in the person’s blood, it is also a Class C misdemeanor. This is particularly important to keep in mind if you work in certain professions related to the medical field. For such professions, mandatory disclosure to licensing agencies and proactive measures are vital to mitigate the impact. 

Understanding these legal nuances is crucial. If you or someone you know is facing DUI charges, the best way to navigate them is by seeking guidance from a reputable DUI attorney. An experienced Indiana criminal defense attorney can provide clarity on the specific implications based on the level of severity of the charge and your profession. At the Marc Lopez Law Firm, our criminal defense attorneys help clients facing DUI charges from a variety of professions and can help guide you through the legal intricacies.

DUI Felony and Prolonged Employment Consequences

In Indiana, a DUI charge can quickly escalate from a misdemeanor into a felony. Indiana Code §§ 9-30-5-3, 9-30-5-4, and 9-30-5-5 go through a variety of circumstances where a DUI can escalate anywhere from a Level 6 felony charge all the way through a Level 4 felony. Some of the circumstances which result in felony level charges are:

Level 6 Felony:

     (1) causing the death of a law enforcement animal; or

     (2) having a DUI conviction within the previous seven years; or

     (3) the offender is at least 21 years old and has a passenger in the car who is a minor.

Level 5 Felony:

     (1) causing serious bodily injury to another person; or

     (2) having a DUI conviction within the previous seven years which caused serious bodily injury, catastrophic injury, or death.

Level 4 Felony:

     (1) causing serious bodily injury and has a prior DUI conviction within the previous five years; or

     (2) causing the death or catastrophic injury of another person.

Felonies have harsher penalties and can have a lasting impact on your employment prospects, even in fields where a misdemeanor may not be as detrimental. Employers often view felony convictions as serious red flags, impacting your ability to secure or maintain employment.

Knowing the potential long-term consequences of a DUI charge is vital. If you are facing felony level charges for a DUI, it is essential to hire an attorney who can formulate a strategic approach to minimize the impact on your employment and future opportunities. 

Hiring an Indiana DUI Lawyer

A DUI charge in Indiana can significantly affect your employment, particularly if your job involves driving or falls within a field with stringent rules regarding DUI offenses. Consulting the knowledgeable criminal defense attorneys at the Marc Lopez Law Firm is a crucial step toward protecting your job and future opportunities.

If you or someone you know are facing DUI charges, regardless of whether it is a misdemeanor or felony, you need a criminal defense attorney with extensive knowledge of Indiana’s DUI laws. The attorneys at the Marc Lopez Law Firm can offer insights into the nuances of your DUI case, discuss your options, and tailor the best possible defense strategy for your circumstances. 

At the Marc Lopez Law Firm, we are committed to guiding clients toward the best possible outcome. If you value your career and your future, you cannot afford to go it alone. Call the Marc Lopez Law Firm at 317-632-3642 and remember—always plead the 5th!

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