by The Marc Lopez Law Firm | Nov 30, 2021 | DUI, Jail Time, OVWI, Refusal, SDP, Specialized Driving Privileges
In Indiana, a second DUI / OVWI is treated much more seriously than a first offense. Whether it’s called an OWI, a DWI, or a DUI, Indiana formally categorizes these crimes as OVWI, or operating a vehicle while intoxicated. DUI: Not a “Normal” Crime Most crimes require...
by The Marc Lopez Law Firm | Apr 27, 2021 | BMV, Chemical Test, DUI, License Suspension, OVWI, SDP, Specialized Driving Privileges
If you’re charged with DUI / OVWI in Indiana, the State doesn’t wait until you’ve been convicted to suspend your driving privileges. Assuming that you consented to a certified chemical test, and those results showed you with an alcohol concentration equivalent of...
by The Marc Lopez Law Firm | Dec 23, 2020 | DUI, Hardship License, Insurance, License Suspension, OVWI, Probationary License, Refusal, SDP, Specialized Driving Privileges
If you’re arrested for DUI / OVWI in Indiana, chances are good that your license will be suspended almost immediately. If you think it’s unfair that you’re being punished before you’re convicted, you have a point. The State, however, will say that no one has a right...
by The Marc Lopez Law Firm | Aug 15, 2020 | DUI, Habitual Traffic Violator, Hardship License, HTV, Insurance, License Suspension, OVWI, Probationary License, SDP, Specialized Driving Privileges
In today’s society, people are more reliant than ever on automobiles to get to-and-from the places they need to be. Indiana is trying to curb some of that dependence by investing heavily in a public transportation system, but it seems impossible to phase out personal...
by The Marc Lopez Law Firm | Jan 10, 2013 | DUI, Hardship License, OVWI, SDP, Specialized Driving Privileges
If you’ve been arrested for operating a vehicle while intoxicated—formally abbreviated as OVWI, but commonly known as DUI—you probably have a few questions about what happens next. Attorney Marc Lopez answers these kinds of questions every day. In...